An exciting new platform to accept round-up donations

Increase monthly donations with recurring spare change round-ups.

Start accepting spare change round-ups How it Works

How Changegiving works for organizations

Spare change round-up donations are an easy and convenient way for donors to donate to your organization. Donors simply setup their account to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, and spare change automatically goes to your organization.

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Register your Organization

Create an account with Changegiving to start accepting round-up donations. Round-up programs can help foster a sense of community and connection among your donors.

Launch a Campaign

Configure and launch your campaign to promote your round-up program and raise awareness about your charity and its mission. Start educating people about the issues your organization addresses.

Start Receiving Incremental Contributions

While individual round-up donations may be small, they accumulate over time and many people find it easier to commit to small, regular contributions rather than large one-time donations.

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How Changegiving works for Donors

Many people are already familiar with round-up programs through various apps and services. Donors set up their accounts to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, and the spare change automatically goes to your organization.

Scan a QR Code

Through your promotional campaign, donors will see your donation QR code. Scan the QR code on a mobile phone to start the donating process.

Enter Payment Details

Choose from Credit Card, PayPal, ApplePay or GPay to securely and safely set up donation payment information.

Donate Monthly Spare Change

Donors go about your daily purchases. The steady flow of small donations can provide your charity with a more predictable income stream, allowing for better budgeting and planning.

Organizations Trust Changegiving with the Round Up Donation Experience


Our primary commitment is to those individuals and organizations devoted to serving others. We pledge to provide top-tier technological resources to everyday heroes who selflessly contribute to improving our world.

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We bring individuals with diverse skills and expertise, allowing for a collective pool of knowledge to tackle complex challenges, ultimately allowing us to build great products that improve your donation experience.

Laura Avatar
Laura Kreiss

Chief Executive Officer

Federica Avatar
Federica Bucca

Executive Director

Brett Avatar
Brett Allred

Chief Product Officer

Ryan Avatar
Ryan McBride

Chief Technology Officer

Vladimir Avatar
Vladimir Rivera

Head of Privacy & Security

Alexander Avatar
Alexander Kreiss

Leader of Philanthropic youth group

Gerado Avatar
Gerado Nuñez

Head of Engineering

Ezra Avatar
Ezra Cohen


John Avatar
John Kraemer


Kara Avatar
Kara Parkey


Marshall Avatar
Marshall Faulk



Make roundup donations ubiquitous across all organizations


Impact to the world through compounding small, regular contributions by everyday people

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Change the world through Changegiving

Start Accepting Donations